Past Present Future Magazine
Vol 01
創刊号のvol.01では、フォトグラファー・横浪 修氏を特集している。
The first issue, Vol. 01, features photographer Osamu Yokonami.
Osamu Yokonami is a photographer who is highly thought of - both in Japan and overseas - for his private work, as well as his magazine and advertisement work. He also possesses a unique sensibility for his relationships with his assistants, many of whom have become excellent photographers in their own right. We asked successive apprentices - who studied under him through thick and thin - to express their teacher, Yokonami-san, in photographs. Along with the work, interviews about him were also conducted, and each narrative (story) was collected, allowing a multifaceted “Osamu Yokonami” to be seen. Through Yokonami-san’s past and present, hints for the future we have searched for are...